Iterating Safely

Kieran Healy

Duke University

February 14, 2024

Safely iterating with purrr and map

Load the packages, as always

library(here)      # manage file paths
library(socviz)    # data and some useful functions
library(tidyverse) # your friend and mine

Additional libraries

library(gssr) #

The complete GSS


# A tibble: 72,390 × 6,693
   year         id wrkstat    hrs1        hrs2        evwork      occ   prestige
   <dbl+lbl> <dbl> <dbl+lbl>  <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl>   <dbl> <dbl+lb>
 1 1972          1 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 205   50      
 2 1972          2 5 [retire… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap]     1 [yes] 441   45      
 3 1972          3 2 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 270   44      
 4 1972          4 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap]   1   57      
 5 1972          5 7 [keepin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap]     1 [yes] 385   40      
 6 1972          6 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 281   49      
 7 1972          7 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 522   41      
 8 1972          8 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 314   36      
 9 1972          9 2 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 912   26      
10 1972         10 1 [workin… NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] NA(i) [iap] 984   18      
# ℹ 72,380 more rows
# ℹ 6,685 more variables: wrkslf <dbl+lbl>, wrkgovt <dbl+lbl>,
#   commute <dbl+lbl>, industry <dbl+lbl>, occ80 <dbl+lbl>, prestg80 <dbl+lbl>,
#   indus80 <dbl+lbl>, indus07 <dbl+lbl>, occonet <dbl+lbl>, found <dbl+lbl>,
#   occ10 <dbl+lbl>, occindv <dbl+lbl>, occstatus <dbl+lbl>, occtag <dbl+lbl>,
#   prestg10 <dbl+lbl>, prestg105plus <dbl+lbl>, indus10 <dbl+lbl>,
#   indstatus <dbl+lbl>, indtag <dbl+lbl>, marital <dbl+lbl>, …

Set up our analysis

cont_vars <- c("year", "id", "ballot", "age")
cat_vars <- c("race", "sex", "fefam")
wt_vars <- c("vpsu",
             "formwt",              # weight to deal with experimental randomization
             "wtssall",             # main weight variable
             "sampcode",            # sampling error code
             "sample")              # sampling frame and method
my_vars <- c(cont_vars, cat_vars, wt_vars)

Clean the labeled variables

gss_df <- gss_all |>
  filter(year > 1974 & year < 2021) |> 
  select(all_of(my_vars)) |> 
  mutate(across(everything(), haven::zap_missing), # Convert labeled missing to regular NA
         across(all_of(wt_vars), as.numeric),
         across(all_of(cat_vars), as_factor), 
         across(all_of(cat_vars), fct_relabel, tolower),
         across(all_of(cat_vars), fct_relabel, tools::toTitleCase),
         compwt = oversamp * formwt * wtssall)

Working dataset

# A tibble: 60,213 × 15
   year         id ballot   age   race  sex   fefam  vpsu vstrat oversamp formwt
   <dbl+lbl> <dbl> <dbl+lb> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 1975          1 NA       38    White Male  <NA>      1   7001        1     NA
 2 1975          2 NA       20    White Fema… <NA>      1   7001        1     NA
 3 1975          3 NA       61    White Fema… <NA>      1   7001        1     NA
 4 1975          4 NA       19    White Male  <NA>      1   7001        1     NA
 5 1975          5 NA       28    White Male  <NA>      1   7001        1     NA
 6 1975          6 NA       28    White Fema… <NA>      1   7002        1     NA
 7 1975          7 NA       35    White Fema… <NA>      1   7002        1     NA
 8 1975          8 NA       64    White Fema… <NA>      1   7002        1     NA
 9 1975          9 NA       53    White Male  <NA>      1   7002        1     NA
10 1975         10 NA       34    White Fema… <NA>      1   7002        1     NA
# ℹ 60,203 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: wtssall <dbl>, sampcode <dbl>, sample <dbl>, compwt <dbl>

The fefam question

gss_df |> 
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  fefam                 n
  <fct>             <int>
1 Strongly Agree     2543
2 Agree              8992
3 Disagree          13061
4 Strongly Disagree  5479
5 <NA>              30138


gss_df <- gss_df |> 
  mutate(fefam_d = forcats::fct_recode(fefam,
                                  Agree = "Strongly Agree",
                                  Disagree = "Strongly Disagree"),
    fefam_n = recode(fefam_d, "Agree" = 1, "Disagree" = 0))

# factor version
gss_df |> 
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  fefam_d      n
  <fct>    <int>
1 Agree    11535
2 Disagree 18540
3 <NA>     30138
# numeric version, 1 is "Agree"
gss_df |> 
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  fefam_n     n
    <dbl> <int>
1       0 18540
2       1 11535
3      NA 30138

Unweighted model

out_all <- glm(fefam_n ~ age + sex + race, 
              data = gss_df, 
              na.action = na.omit)


glm(formula = fefam_n ~ age + sex + race, family = "binomial", 
    data = gss_df, na.action = na.omit)

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -1.9185878  0.0399581 -48.015  < 2e-16 ***
age          0.0323648  0.0007275  44.486  < 2e-16 ***
sexFemale   -0.2247518  0.0248741  -9.036  < 2e-16 ***
raceBlack    0.0668275  0.0363201   1.840   0.0658 .  
raceOther    0.3659411  0.0493673   7.413 1.24e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 39921  on 29980  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 37746  on 29976  degrees of freedom
  (30232 observations deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 37756

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Tidied output

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)  -1.92    0.0400      -48.0  0       
2 age           0.0324  0.000728     44.5  0       
3 sexFemale    -0.225   0.0249       -9.04 1.63e-19
4 raceBlack     0.0668  0.0363        1.84 6.58e- 2
5 raceOther     0.366   0.0494        7.41 1.24e-13

group_map() and possibly()

  • Model each year
out_yr <- gss_df |> 
  group_by(year) |> 
  group_map_dfr(possibly(~ tidy(glm(fefam_n ~ age + sex + race, 
                       data = .x, 
                       family = "binomial", 
                       na.action = na.omit), 
              = TRUE), 
                     otherwise = NULL))

# A tibble: 105 × 8
   year      term       estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
   <dbl+lbl> <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 1977      (Intercep…  -1.20     0.178      -6.75  1.47e-11  -1.55     -0.854 
 2 1977      age          0.0483   0.00388    12.4   1.56e-35   0.0408    0.0561
 3 1977      sexFemale   -0.341    0.118      -2.90  3.77e- 3  -0.572    -0.111 
 4 1977      raceBlack   -0.0613   0.180      -0.340 7.34e- 1  -0.412     0.295 
 5 1977      raceOther    0.188    0.576       0.326 7.44e- 1  -0.912     1.40  
 6 1985      (Intercep…  -1.89     0.168     -11.2   2.89e-29  -2.23     -1.56  
 7 1985      age          0.0432   0.00332    13.0   1.03e-38   0.0368    0.0498
 8 1985      sexFemale   -0.261    0.112      -2.34  1.94e- 2  -0.481    -0.0426
 9 1985      raceBlack    0.148    0.189       0.782 4.34e- 1  -0.223     0.519 
10 1985      raceOther   -0.319    0.338      -0.944 3.45e- 1  -1.00      0.329 
# ℹ 95 more rows

group_map() and possibly()

possibly(~ tidy(glm(...)), otherwise = NULL)

group_map() and possibly()

out_yr |> 
  filter(term == "sexFemale") |> 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = year, y = estimate,
                       ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") + 
  geom_line() + 

Survey-weighted estimates

options(survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")

gss_svy <- gss_df |>
  filter(year > 1974) |>  
  mutate(stratvar = interaction(year, vstrat)) |>
  as_survey_design(id = vpsu,
                     strata = stratvar,
                     weights = wtssall,
                     nest = TRUE)
Stratified 1 - level Cluster Sampling design (with replacement)
With (4555) clusters.
Called via srvyr
Sampling variables:
 - ids: vpsu
 - strata: stratvar
 - weights: wtssall
Data variables: year (dbl+lbl), id (dbl), ballot (dbl+lbl), age (dbl+lbl), race
  (fct), sex (fct), fefam (fct), vpsu (dbl), vstrat (dbl), oversamp (dbl),
  formwt (dbl), wtssall (dbl), sampcode (dbl), sample (dbl), compwt (dbl),
  fefam_d (fct), fefam_n (dbl), stratvar (fct)

Survey-weighted estimates

gss_svy |>
  drop_na(fefam_d) |> 
  group_by(year, sex, race, fefam_d) |>
  summarize(prop = survey_mean(na.rm = TRUE, 
                               vartype = "ci"))
# A tibble: 252 × 7
# Groups:   year, sex, race [126]
   year      sex    race  fefam_d   prop prop_low prop_upp
   <dbl+lbl> <fct>  <fct> <fct>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 1977      Male   White Agree    0.694   0.655     0.732
 2 1977      Male   White Disagree 0.306   0.268     0.345
 3 1977      Male   Black Agree    0.686   0.564     0.807
 4 1977      Male   Black Disagree 0.314   0.193     0.436
 5 1977      Male   Other Agree    0.632   0.357     0.906
 6 1977      Male   Other Disagree 0.368   0.0936    0.643
 7 1977      Female White Agree    0.640   0.601     0.680
 8 1977      Female White Disagree 0.360   0.320     0.399
 9 1977      Female Black Agree    0.553   0.472     0.634
10 1977      Female Black Disagree 0.447   0.366     0.528
# ℹ 242 more rows

Survey-weighted estimates

out_svy_all <- svyglm(fefam_n ~ age + sex + race, 
                  design = gss_svy, 
                  family = quasibinomial(),
                  na.action = na.omit)

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)  -1.83    0.0478     -38.3   6.34e-234
2 age           0.0310  0.000852    36.4   9.99e-217
3 sexFemale    -0.235   0.0277      -8.48  4.55e- 17
4 raceBlack     0.0282  0.0432       0.653 5.14e-  1
5 raceOther     0.382   0.0588       6.50  1.06e- 10

Survey-weighted estimates

out_svy_yrs <- gss_svy |> 
  group_by(year) |> 
  group_map_dfr(possibly(~ tidy(svyglm(fefam_n ~ age + sex + race, 
                       design = .x, 
                       family = quasibinomial(),
                       na.action = na.omit),
              = TRUE), 
                     otherwise = NULL))

# A tibble: 105 × 8
   year      term       estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
   <dbl+lbl> <chr>         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 1977      (Intercep…  -1.09     0.184      -5.93  3.74e- 7  -1.46    -0.720  
 2 1977      age          0.0469   0.00403    11.6   2.63e-15   0.0388   0.0550 
 3 1977      sexFemale   -0.344    0.126      -2.73  9.05e- 3  -0.599   -0.0901 
 4 1977      raceBlack   -0.144    0.215      -0.669 5.07e- 1  -0.576    0.288  
 5 1977      raceOther    0.276    0.552       0.500 6.19e- 1  -0.835    1.39   
 6 1985      (Intercep…  -1.89     0.199      -9.49  9.05e-13  -2.29    -1.49   
 7 1985      age          0.0431   0.00369    11.7   6.47e-16   0.0357   0.0505 
 8 1985      sexFemale   -0.174    0.123      -1.42  1.61e- 1  -0.421    0.0720 
 9 1985      raceBlack    0.157    0.228       0.688 4.95e- 1  -0.301    0.614  
10 1985      raceOther   -0.533    0.268      -1.99  5.24e- 2  -1.07     0.00573
# ℹ 95 more rows

Survey-weighted estimates

out_svy_yrs |> 
  filter(term == "sexFemale") |> 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = year, 
                       y = estimate,
                       ymin = conf.low,
                       ymax = conf.high)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dotted") + 
  geom_line() + 