Problem set 05: More grouping and summarizing

Due by Monday, February 10, 2025


Do the reading before trying the problem set! Also look at the slides from the past week, and this week’s examples!

Task 1: Download and launch this week’s project.

Make sure the project has been uncompressed/unzipped, and you know where it is on your computer.

  1. Launch the project by double-clicking on the 05-problem-set.Rproj file. It will launch a new instance of R. Remember you can have more than one project open and running at a time. Each one is a self-contained RStudio instance. They don’t know anything about each other.

  2. Once RStudio is running, take a look at the analysis.qmd file. Do the tasks it asks.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Render the analysis.qmd document as an HTML file. Try rendering it to a Word file, too, if you like.

  5. Zip up the problem set folder.

  • 5a. On Mac OS, in the Finder, select the folder, right click (that is, hold down the Control key and click), and choose “Compress”

  • 5b. On Windows, Locate the file or folder that you want to zip. Press and hold (or right-click) the file or folder, select (or point to) Send to, and then select Compressed (zipped) folder. A new zipped folder with the same name is created in the same location.
  1. Upload the zipped file to Canvas.